Mitchell and Toby!
Love both of these!
One of my favorites!
Paula and Darren, you two are adorable. Adorable!
And Linda, Paula's Mom, and Daniel, worked it for the camera.
This family has such great smiles and beautiful eyes!
We had a fun time keeping Toby's attention...she was busy watching for birds and squirrels! :)
Love!!! Did I mention that we had some great light? Well, we did!
Another favorite!
It just so happens that TODAY is Mitchell's 7th birthday! Happy Birthday, Mitchell!!!
Such a handsome guy!!!
Paula, you are beautiful!
Favorite...another favorite.
Or maybe this one is my favorite...look at those smiles!
The whole session I could tell just how much this family loves each other.
And how much they all adore Mitchell!
Mitchell, you are so cute!
And then it was Toby's turn to work her magic...which wasn't hard for her to do, just look at that face!
Such a sweet girl!!!
So you can see why this bunch made my day?
And why I joked with them about a few more hours of photos?
Before we called it a day, I had just one more spot
that I wanted to show them...and they kindly obliged. :)
I think Toby and my Lucy could be great friends!
Ok, I love this one too!
I'll end with this since it's Mitchell's birthday!
Thank you, Darren, Paula, Mitchell, Toby, Daniel, and Linda for making this such a fun afternoon! And
thank you for allowing me to take just one more photo! ;) You guys are the best!
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