Monday, November 17, 2008

Thank you! Grazie!

Pin It November 15, 2008
Indianapolis, IN

Thank you to everyone who made my first portrait party a huge success! What a fun day!

A big thank you to Mama Carolla's Old Italian Restaurant! Your hospitality and kindness are greatly appreciated, and I cannot thank you enough. I tried to capture the perfectly charming, cozy atmosphere so full of character, not to mention the delicious smells of garlic and freshly baked bread wafting throughout the restaurant. My husband and I look forward to dining there soon. I'm especially excited about dessert...tiramisu is my favorite! Grazie!

Thank you to my husband Reggie for all of his help and encouragement. He brought lunch and spare bulbs for my lights! Thank you so much, Reggie!

And thank you to my lovely assistants, Audrey and Ashley. Your friendship means the world to me. I really appreciate all of your help in making this a fun and successful day.

I must also say thank you to the families and friends who ventured out into the dreary, rainy day to spend some time with me. I can't wait to show you the rest of your photos! Thank you for making my day such a fun, exciting time - you are all truly blessed with adorable, loving families! And I'm honored to have shared this time with you.

Please check out all the photos from this unique event!


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