Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy Friday!

Pin It Do you ever just have one of those days? You know, when nothing seems to go the way you want it to. When even the most simple of tasks seem to morph into something so complex, like those diagrams I had to draw in chemistry in high school, showing how many protons, neutrons, and electrons a given compound had. Or like trying to translate that letter I received from a Russian pen pal in middle school. I don't know how I got signed up to be a pen pal to that friend in Russia, but alas, I digress. If you follow me on facebook, you may have seen my status this morning:

"A bend in the road is not the end of the road...unless you fail to make the turn." ~Unknown

Somehow that quote, as simple as it is, struck a chord with me, and has since turned my day around. So to that unknown author, please know that I appreciate your words. Thank you!

And since a blog post is so much more fun with a photo, I found this one in my archives and loved the summery feel of it. The seashells made me smile. I hope they make you smile too.

Happy Friday!
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